Gorillia Warfare shooting....the only way!

Sometimes this is the ONLY way to shoot your first picture. Stealing shots, working your crew until they drop, but you feel this MUST be done, and we understand!

It's like trying to stuff 6 pounds of dog manure in a 2 pound BAG! (It can't really be done, but you're going to try!)

Since we can accept Credit Cards, carry our own insurance (Smith & Wesson), so you can save some "stash" by letting us do as much as we can for you.

You can "charge off" certain things without disclosing their true nature, AND we'll help you every step of the way! (legally, ofcourse.. you should have a "sharp" Accountant)

So with that said, send us an E-mail and ask for the "Gorillia" package! And don't forget to tell us what you NEED not want to want. (ask for "Sam" Kong, King Kong's brother)

Email: sampleco@sampleco.4mg.com

Copyright 2003 by Sample Corporation Los Angeles CA 90028